Photo: Dusting of snow on Skagsanden beach, Flakstadøy, Lofoten Islands, Norway. February 14, 2016. 11:10
In the last years one typically has to arrive first thing in the morning at any of the beaches to find them with a fresh, clean layer of snow before it has been walked across numerous times. Yet, on stormy winter days, with passing waves of snow sweeping across the islands, the beaches often get a nice reset to new conditions.
This particular days was a rather stormy one. The trick is to get to the location you want to shoot while it is still snowing and just wait until the clouds begin to pass. Just as the weather passed I headed down to the beach to look for something interesting.
The snow covering was light, and not interesting enough to me for that dramatic snowy beach look. However, as one approached the sea, the various layers began to form a nice pattern across the beach. I though this would make a nice leading line for the foreground, bringing the eye towards Hustind in the background.
Soon the next wave of clouds arrived and snow was sweeping across the beach again…
Camera Info:
Nikon D800
Nikon 24mm f/3.5 tilt-shift
ISO 50
f 13
4 seconds
WB Daylight
6 stop ND filter
2 images – top, bottom